Apple is updating their website to look even better on the new iPad’s Retina display ahead of Friday’s launch, and you can see the new images for yourself to see just how they compare to Apple’s standard website graphics. The difference is pretty remarkable.

AppleInsider shares (via Macotakara) how to make the updated images appear:
To do this, in Safari choose Preferences, then Advanced and check the option “Show Develop menu in menu bar.” Users can then right-click on the homepage and choose “Inspect Element.”
From there, choose the “Console” option to the far right, paste the following, and press return:
AC.ImageReplacer._devicePixelRatio = 2
new AC.ImageReplacer()The Safari developer console should then respond with “klass.” the “Inspect Element” menu can now be closed. Then, under View, choose Zoom In.
Note that the images don’t actually appear larger. Instead they just appear far smoother and crisper when you zoom in on them – they look fantastic!