Samsung Takes on the iPhone in Galaxy Note ‘Street Challenge’

Samsung has been specifically targeting iPhone users with the advertisements for a number of months now (1,2,3,4), but their latest promotion takes the fight to the streets in a new “street challenge,” which pits their Galaxy Note against the iPhone and other Android phones  to see which is better for certain highly specific tasks.

I find it especially interesting that the tasks they use in the challenge are things that most people wouldn’t use very often – and that there is no side-by-side comparison between the iPhone and the Galaxy Note. Also, only one of their street challenge “victims” is an Apple user. Convenient.

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.