Best Buy Details Apple $1499 42-inch HDTV Set In Customer Survey

Who knows if it’s inside information, or just speculation on their part, but a recent survey by electronics retailer Best Buy details a 42″ HDTV set from Apple. They even list the price, $1,499.

Apple HDTVApple HDTVThe report from AppleInsider:

The questionnaire notes that the Apple HDTV “finally reinvents what a TV can do,” with a 1080p LED flat panel display, connectivity with iCloud, and the ability to use an iPhone or an iPad as a remote control.

But the survey also makes mention of an “iSight” camera included in the anticipated television set, suggesting the details are simply speculation on the part of Best Buy. Since introducing FaceTime video chat, Apple has referred to its forward-facing cameras as FaceTime cameras, not iSight.

Another minus, credibility-wise, is the mention of an integrated microphone, which the listing says can be used for Skype, with no mention of using it for FaceTime or Siri.

It’s reported that the survey was administered by Confirmit, a Norwegian research firm that Best Buy uses as a client. The full details from the survey:

Be one of the first to get the all new 42″ Apple HDTV at Best Buy for $1499. Apple finally reinvents what a TV can do:

  • 42″ 1080p LED flat panel display
  • Incorporates Apple’s operating system (iOS) found in its current Apple TV set top box which allows you to purchase and stream movies and other entertainment from the Internet
  • Download and use apps from the App Store. Can you imagine playing Angry Birds on a big screen in your living room?
  • Supports Apple’s new iCloud service for storing your movies, TV shows, and music content that you’ve purchased from iTunes and beam them to your Apple HDTV.
  • Use your iPad or iPhone as a remote control, and do everything from controlling your TV, to purchasing new shows and swapping content between your Apple devices and the iCloud service.
  • Built-in convenience with built in iSight camera and microphone for Skype.
  • In addition to iTunes, stream content from popular sites such as Netflix, YouTube, and flickr.
  • Available for $1499.

This report comes soon after the report last week that the first prototypes of an Apple HDTV set are “in the works”.

Chris Hauk

Chris is a Senior Editor at Mactrast. He lives somewhere in the deep Southern part of America, and yes, he has to pump in both sunshine and the Internet.