At first I didn’t even realise it was a TV. The quality looks so superb I thought it was an HD photograph. LG’s new 55 inch OLED television is a stunner. What’s more, bearing in mind Apple’s close links with LG, 9to5Mac reports that this could potentially be used for an Apple television.

LG already make the iPod Touch displays, the iPhone Retina displays and some iPad displays. Furthermore, Apple invested $500 million into LG displays back in 2009 which gave them temporary exclusivity on the 27″ iMac displays and on the Thunderbolt displays.
However back to the TV. It is the first ever 55 inch OLED TV, and it features a 4mm bezel – half the width of the iPhone 4S. The “1,000 times faster that LCD displays” and the “infinite contrast ratio” make this sound even cooler. I dread to think of the price tag, though.