The iPhone 4S is a total data hog, at least according to a new study by Arieso. The study, which comes to us via iMore, claims that the iPhone 4S uses up twice the amount of data as the iPhone 4. Why, you ask? According to Arieso, Siri is to blame.

Arieso states that Apple’s latest iPhone consumes nearly twice the data as previous models, and even more data than the iPad “due to increasing use of online services like the virtual personal assistant Siri.”
Of course, Siri isn’t completely to blame. Siri itself uses very little data – but that fact that people are using it to perform Google searches, look up data on Wolfram Alpha and other tasks means that users are consuming more data as a whole. In reality, it’s increased use of online services that makes the biggest difference.
The real take home message here, however, is that iPhone users should pay attention to their data usage, especially users on limited data plans, as it doesn’t take much to reach and exceed your limits, which could cost you a bundle.