The iPhone is on a serious roll in the U.K. this holiday season. The Financial Times reports that the iPhone 4S is leading the smartphone market with 25 percent of all smartphone sales, while all models of the iPhone combined make up 37 percent, based on figures from a British research firm.

The iPhone’s next closest competitor was the Samsung Galaxy SII, and several Blackberry models also made it into the top ten, suggesting competition in the U.K. smartphone market is still alive and well
Meanwhile, Nokia’s Windows Phone lineup taking dead last, failing to catch on in any way in the U.K. market. As a final note, the report emphasizes that the iPhone sold out all Android-based models combined in November, with a whopping 43% of the total smartphone market.
Great Britain’s smartphone market has opened up enormously over the past two years, with Ofcom research figures showing that smartphone ownership doubled between February 2010 and August 2011, now up to 46 percent of all mobile handset users. The strong holiday sales from Apple reinforce recent reports that the iPhone had outsold all combined Android models in the UK in November and had a 43 percent total share of the smartphone market.