An art professor going by the pseudonym Cheeseboy has created an impressive fan portrait of Steve Jobs using nothing but descriptive words.

As CultofMac points out, Cheeseboy created this portrait as an example before assigning his students to draw a portrait of their hero using only descriptive words, which, as it turns out, is actually a somewhat advanced art technique, as described by Cheeseboy:
Create a one inch grid on your photograph to draw from and then very lightly create a one inch grid on your drawing paper. Use each square to help you identify where key landmarks on the drawing should be placed. Once you have a very light line drawing and have a good idea of where the darkest parts of the drawing will be, erase the grid. From there, start writing the words you choose in the darkest spots first. Once you get them fairly dark, start writing bigger words in the mid tone areas. It’s basically understanding that the smaller the words are, the darker the area will be. Also it’s a matter of How many layers of words you use in a particular spot. Save the lightest areas for the end. The lighter areas should have the largest, most spaced out words.
This is a pretty strange method, to be sure, but the end result actually looks pretty amazing, and the art goes beyond the portrait itself – the words used to create the portrait can also add meaning to the work.