Apple’s recently launched retail store self-checkout program has been deemed a success. The program, which allows customers to pay for an in-store purchase on their iPhone without speaking to a store employee, was launched in November.

AppleInsider reports
Though the self-checkout option has ‘seemed a bit crazy’ to some, the system is ‘working out,’ a person familiar with Apple’s retail operations reportedly told John Fortt of CNBC. The person said that the benefits of the new system have, so far, outweighed the negatives.
‘This new setup could be particularly useful in a store like the one Apple’s opening in Grand Central station on Friday,’ he said. (I hear self checkout will be prominently touted there, which is no big surprise.) And the early success of this self checkout initiative bodes well for Apple’s holiday sales.
The comments are an indicator that the new option hasn’t created confusion or encouraged theft as some had feared when the program initially launched. Some had jokingly referred to the program, whose official title is “EasyPay”, as “EasyTheft”.
EasyPay launched in November, upon release of version 2.0 of the Apple Store app for iOS devices. Using EasyPay, an iPhone 4 or 4S user can scan the bar code of an accessory in store, and pay for the purchase using the credit card tied to their Apple ID.
Only the less expensive products offered at Apple’s stores, such as accessories and items found on the shelves are available for the self-pay option. Higher priced items such as iPhone, iPads, iPods and Macs are still kept in the storeroom, and require assistance from an Apple Specialist to purchase.