If you gave, received, or purchased an app on a smartphone this holiday season, then you contributed to what Flurry Analytics reports is the largest day ever for both smartphone activations and app purchases!

According to Flurry, Christmas set a new all-time record for iPhone and Android device activations. Between 1.3 and 1.8 million devices per day were activated from December 1-20th, and that figure leaped an astounding 353% on Christmas day for a total of 6.8 million activations on Christmas day alone!
Also noted by Flurry was a huge surge in new app downloads – over 108 million iOS and Android apps were downloaded per day from December 1-20, seeing a 252% increase on Christmas to over 242 million apps downloaded on Christmas day.

Flurry’s report points out that this is more the double the number of downloads than any other day except Christmas Eve, which saw 150 million app downloads. The largest number of applications were downloaded between 7 PM and 10 PM on Christmas day (in each region’s respective time zones).
Unfortunately, Flurry didn’t break down the numbers between iOS and Android, but considering that iOS users tend to download more apps, and that the iPhone 4S was at the top of many Christmas lists this year, you can bet that iOS made up the lion’s share of those.