Sony has spent the past 5 years developing a TV set to compete with Apple’s rumoured “iTV’, reports the Wall Street Journal. Sony CEO Howard Stringer claimed he had “no doubt” that Steve Jobs was working on a TV before his passing.

Stringer also stated that the television industry cannot continue as it is.
“We can’t continue selling TV sets [the way we have been]. Every TV set we all make loses money,”
That is a pretty powerful statement, but considering Sony had previously warned they could lose as much as 1 billion this fiscal year due to TV sales, it’s not at all surprising.

This will be a very interesting race to follow, as it will be fascinating to see if Sony can come out with something first. For every product it has launched, Apple has always been the first, so if Sony manage to release their TV before Apple, it could be interesting to see which way the market will go.