Apple are working on two new iPod Nano and Shuffle models with integrated speakers, according to Apple Insider. The concept was dissevered through a patent application published by the U.S Patent and Trademark Office. Even though the patents do not specify that it is even an iPod, it can be assumed by looking at the designs that it is either a Shuffle, a Nano or both.

The speaker would be located under the clip at the back of the device. It has been speculated that it could be used not only for simple sounds such as clicks when using the device, but also to play music. A question would then arise about how powerful it is, as it’s hard to imagine such a small speaker producing a large amount of noise.

The addition of a speaker to the Shuffle and Nano models would be a good move, as most MP3 players nowadays to feature some kind of external speaker. How good the quality would be is another question, but seeing how small it is, we can have doubts as to whether it will be that high quality.