Mac Tip: Saving, Editing, And Sending A Draft Email From The Mail App

This Mac tip is provided by Mark Greentree and was originally posted on Mark’s blog – Everyday Mac Support. For more of Mark’s tips visit his site, follow him on Twitter, or browse his archive of posts here.

How To: Saving, Editing, And Sending A Draft Email From The Mail App

During the course of writing an email you may be interrupted and need to continue writing at a later time.

When in the email compose window you are able to save the email you are currently writing by pressing Command + S on you keyboard or proceeding to File > Save from the Menu Bar.

The result is your email will be saved as a draft rather than as a independent file on your Mac. You will notice that the draft area in Apple’s Mail application is located in the left hand column which contains areas such as your Inbox, Sent, Trash, and any other custom folders you have created. An example of this is shown in the image below:

You will notice in the above image that I have two email accounts currently in use in the Mail application. Depending on which mail account you are using to send the email from will determine which draft folder the email in question resides in.

When you are ready to continue editing the email simply click on drafts in the left hand column and on the right hand side you will be presented with the options of all uncompleted emails.

Simply double click and you will be able to continue editing or send the email if you wish. If for instance an email was unable to be successfully sent it will show up, along with a notification, in the draft email box in order to allow you to attempt to resend it at a later time.

If you don’t wish to keep a specific email draft you can simply delete it as you would any other email.

You can also move emails in and out of your Draft email boxes. For instance you may wish to move email to family and friends which are in draft mode to an independent email folder whilst leaving current daily work related emails in the main draft folder.

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Mark Greentree

Mark Greentree is the principle blogger and podcast creator of Everyday Mac Support. His aim is to inform users at all levels of experience how to get the most out of the Apple hardware and associated software. He is the lead host of Not Another Mac Podcast, an Apple based round table discussion with Mac users and experts from all over world.