So, you just upgraded to iOS 5. It’s amazing – everything we’ve been salivating over since June, but how do you progress with your shiny new upgraded mobile operating system? The new iOS is enhanced to the point of potential duplicity. Wait, what?…. But, Jim, what do you mean?
The best enhancements in iOS 5 were already possible with third party apps (which does beg the question, how much better off are we with iOS 5?). Now, many features for which you previously used paid apps to accomplish, can be done natively. I, for one, am always excited when Apple decides to integrate native features in their operating systems; however, it is unfortunate that savvy iOS 4 users already experienced the functions iOS 5 is allegedly enhancing.

Let me outline several major iOS 5 upgrades that merely integrate previous 3rd party apps. I guess you can cut down on those 3rd party installs –
iOS 5 Native App : 3rd Party Apps
iMessage : Whatsapp Messenger (but is multi-platform)
Reminders : Todo, Awesome Note, OmniFocus, Things
Reminders (location feature) : LocationMinder
Safari (reading list feature) : Instapaper, Evernote
Photo (enhancement, cropping, rotate, red eye) : Perfect Photo, Crop Photo
iCal (week view, plus many enhancements) : WeekCal
Camera : Camera+
Cards (albeit paper ones) : Postcard (electronic)
Now, if Apple created native file/folder syncing and an RSS reader, Dropbox and Pulse/Flipboard could be killed off too. It seems Apple is doing a great job learning from other dev teams. Several of the apps above are the heavy hitters in their specific categories on the App Store, which begs the question is, will Apple start cutting into the downloads of similar apps?
In addition to 3rd party apps, iOS 5 implements several features the jailbreak community has enjoyed for several months and/or years –
iOS 5 Native Function : Jailbreak Tweaks
Notification Center (actually hired the JB tweak author) : Mobile Notifier
PC Free Syncing : WiFi Sync
Multitouch : MT Gestures
Camera Button : SnapTap
As you can see, iOS 5 is a great improvement to the Apple mobile product line-up, but I would not necessarily call the upgrade revolutionary. If you were using any of the 3rd party apps or pushing the edge with jailbroken tweaks, you have basically been using iOS 5 features on iOS 4. That is not to belittle the enhancement of native integration. I prefer native implementation of these functions and look forward to upgrading to iOS 5 … however, it is really cool seeing that skull head come across the screen every time I Respring.
Back to the beginning… how to proceed. You can start by deleting apps that duplicate now-native functions. Clean out those folders and get rid of those third party apps. Too bad you paid for most of them!
I upgraded to GM iOS 5 yesterday (Wednesday, October 5)… first impressions… well done Apple, as always… and by the way, you can use your phone while it’s syncing. Great. See photos below. I’ve got a lot of playing to do!
Stay tuned to MacTrast for a thorough iOS 5 review after October 12.
Do you think iOS 5 is a revolutionary new OS? Post your thoughts below or tweet @jim_gresham.