Apple has just updated their iWork apps for iOS, which includes Pages (App Store Link), Numbers (App Store Link), and Keynote (App Store Link). The updated apps, which are available for $9.99 each, now include full support for iCloud’s new Documents in the Cloud functionality.

From Apple:
iCloud makes it easy to move Pages, Keynote, and Numbers documents between your computer and your iOS devices. Just sign in to in any modern web browser, and all your iWork for iOS documents will be there — complete with your most recent edits. Click a document to download it in iWork ’09, Microsoft Office, or PDF format. You can also drag and drop any iWork ’09 or Microsoft Office document from your computer into one of the iWork apps on, and it automatically appears on all your iOS devices, ready for you to review, edit, or present.
Documents in the Cloud keeps your documents in sync so you can begin a document on your Mac, and continue on an iOS device right where you left off. The updates can be obtained from the App Store for those that already own the apps.
iWork for iOS with iCloud support has been in testing for a couple of months, and the ability to sync documents with iCloud should come as a very welcome addition.
The update also works with iWork on the web, which can be accessed at This new web interface works as a web app, similar to Google Docs, and allows you to edit and download your iWork documents from anywhere you have access to a web browser.
The full change log can be found below:
- Automatically store your presentations in iCloud and keep them up to date across all your iOS devices.
- Download your presentations to a Mac or PC at as Keynote ’09, PowerPoint, or PDF files.
- Drag and drop Keynote ’09 or PowerPoint presentations to from your Mac or PC to have them automatically appear on your iOS devices.
- Use AirPlay to present wirelessly via Apple TV. Navigate slides, view presenter notes, and use the laser pointer while presenting from your iOS device.
- New builds and transitions including Anvil, Blinds, Color Panes, Comet, Confetti, Diffuse, and Sparkle.
- Advanced presentation controls including looped slideshows and autoplay.
- Support for slide-to-slide hyperlinks.
- Improved compatibility with Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote ’09.
- Includes improved support for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language input.
- Automatically store your documents in iCloud and keep them up to date across all your iOS devices.
- Download your documents to a Mac or PC at as Pages ’09, Word, or PDF files.
- Drag and drop Pages ’09, Word, or plain text documents to from your Mac or PC to have them automatically appear on your iOS devices.
- Use your voice to create and edit Pages documents with dictation in iOS 5 on your iPhone 4S.
- Create footnotes and endnotes in your documents.
- View improved word counts with character, paragraph, and page counts.
- Improved compatibility with Microsoft Word and Pages ’09.
- Includes improved support for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language input.
- Automatically store your spreadsheets in iCloud and keep them up to date across all your iOS devices.
- Download your spreadsheets to a Mac or PC at as Numbers ’09, Excel, or PDF files.
- Drag and drop Numbers ’09, Excel, or CSV files to from your Mac or PC to have them automatically appear on your iOS devices.
- Use sliders, steppers, and pop-ups to easily enter data and explore results.
- Use Merge Cells to format your tables.
- Hide and show rows and columns.
- Improved compatibility with Microsoft Excel and Numbers ’09.
- Includes improved support for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language input.