Gizmodo Publishes First “iPhone 5” Review

The folks over at Gizmodo have just published the very first iPhone 5 review (sort of). So the iPhone 5 isn’t out yet? So what? That didn’t stop Gizmodo from doing what they do best.

The description of their review is as follows:

What’s the point of waiting for the same few people to write the same single glowing review of Apple’s new phone? There is none. So we didn’t.

We had our intern make a mock-up of the new phone using specs from the leaked cases; we found other devices that made use of some of the iPhone’s components; and we carried the foam core iDevice for a couple weeks, loaded up our actual phones with iOS5 and iCloud and got down to business.

This is the first review of the iPhone 5. Sure, it’s a little, uhm, hacked-together, but I’ll bet you it’s not going to differ significantly from the officially sanctioned reviews that come out next week.

Head on over to Gizmodo to check out their review (and the cool video clip they made with their hacked-up “iPhone 5” prototype)!

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.