Gameloft’s popular racing title, Asphalt 6: Adrenaline is completely free today (Free, iPhone/iPod Touch, iPad)! This game is purely addicting – check out our review of the Mac version, which is identical to the versions available for iOS.

This addictive racing game features 42 different cars and bikes, an immense 55-event career mode, 12 locations including L.A., Tokyo, & The Bahamas, 8 event types, and 30 Gameloft trophies to collect, Asphalt 6: Adrenaline will keep you glued to the steering wheel for hours.

Take advantage and get this great game for free today. It’s available in a standard version for the iPhone & iPod Touch (App Store Link), as well as an HD version designed for the iPad (App Store Link) – and both are free – this won’t last long, however, so act fast!