Back in July we reported on Google’s release of their new Photovine for iPhone app (Free, App Store Link), a rather unique social image sharing app from Google that incorporates some very unique and interesting elements. The app is now open to the public, no longer requiring invites.

The Photovine service that the app depends on was initially available by invite only, but we are please to report that Photovine is no longer in “invite only” status, and has now opened up registration to one and all.
The app has also been updated with improved Twitter and Facebook integration. PhotoVine is unique from other social imaging services such as Instagram in that it doesn’t revolve simply around the photos you upload in share.
Instead, it bases itself on “vines”, which connects photo captions to your friends and others by branching each contribution off from the main vine. As a photo becomes more popular, the vine can grow to contain captions, comments, and even new photos related to the photo you originally posted.
For the best explanation, check out the below video to see it all in action. In the meantime, head on over and download the free Photovine app from the App Store (Free, App Store Link)!