At least one iOS developer has discovered evidence that Apple is already testing a dual-mode iPhone 5 against current App Store apps. Access logs appear to confirm that the iPhone 5 (of course running iOS 5) will be a dual-mode phone supporting both GSM and GDMA networks.

Currently, Apple produces two separate versions of the iPhone 4 – a GSM version for use on AT&T and global GSM networks, and a CDMA version for use on Verizon and global CDMA networks. The idea that the iPhone 5 will be a dual-mode world phone is not a new one, and it’s not difficult to see why.

By reducing the number of different models they need to make by half, combining the GSM and CDMA models into one would save Apple considerable money while making production less complicated. Further, the Verizon model of the iPhone 4 already contains the Qualcomm chip necessary to support both GSM and CDMA standards (pictured above). Verizon’s CFO already “confirmed” the matter back in May.
The logs appear to show that the developer’s app has briefly been tested by a handful of people using a device that is almost certainly the iPhone 5, sporting to complete and distinct sets of mobile network cods and country codes. These codes are use to identify mobile carriers.
The logs show that the app has been briefly tested by a handful of people using what is almost certainly an iPhone 5, evidently running iOS 5, sporting two distinct sets of mobile network codes (MNC) / mobile country codes (MCC). Those codes can be used to uniquely identify mobile carriers.
Gone are the days of Apple having to produce two separate phones just to support some additional carriers – and that is a good moment for both Apple and consumers.