Even though OS X Lion apparently was not released today, like so many predicted, there is still good news! It appears that Apple is rapidly approving Lion-compatible apps for the Mac App Store, indicating that, while Lion didn’t come today, it’s certainly not far away.

Apple began accepting Lion-ready apps earlier this week, which are just now beginning to crop up on the Mac App Store. The fact that Apple began accepting Lion-ready submissions this week led some to speculate that Lion’s release might miss its projected July 14th release – looks like they were right! The above screen shot shows a Lion-ready app called WordCrasher has been approved.
Many reports are already suggesting that Lion may be released next week, or even on the 26th. Nevertheless, despite the rumors, all we know is that Lion will be released sometime this month, and as far as I’m concerned, any rumor that narrows it down more specifically is up for serious debate – and always has been! That’s why they are called rumors!