It looks like the wait might be over for those looking to Jailbreak their iPad 2 on iOS 4.3. A video posted on Youtube demonstrates a live Jailbreaking of an iPad 2 (video at the drop).
But before you go rushing to find out how to Jailbreak your iPad, take a moment to analyze what the person says and does in the video.
Post updated: 20:45GMT – scroll to the end for update.
Firstly, there is a bit of confusion about where exactly he found the PDF file that he discusses in the video. He mentions that he will provide a link to where you can Jailbreak your device but the link is not to the original source of the Jailbreak, instead he is choosing to host the JB files himself. Mmm, sounds a bit sketchy to me.
And secondly, who is this guy in the video? He is not one of the reputable sources when it comes to Jailbreaking. Can he be trusted with your precious iPad?
The Jailbreak looks to be a version of Jailbreakme from Comex. The video is a strong indicator that Comex might be ready to finally release his Jailbreak for the iPad 2 into the wild real soon.
If the Jailbreak in the above video is actually ready and fully functional then surely Comex would have released it by now? So we’re assuming there are still a few tweaks to iron out before an official release of Jailbreakme.
Our advice is to wait a little longer to hear word directly from Comex about an iPad 2 Jailbreak that he is comfortable with releasing.
If you want to Jailbreak your iPad 2 now then wander over to Redmond Pie where you will find in depth instructions, but be warned, the Jailbreak isn’t official – at least not in my eyes.
Update: A series of tweets from @comex (the Jailbreaker behind Jailbreakme) confirmed that the above mentioned Jailbreak is one that was leaked and is buggy. Do not use it.