Video: Conan Rips Final Cut Pro X

Funny man Conan O’Brien’s video production team think Final Cut Pro X is super awesome. They put together the above video to demonstrate some of the powerful new features of the popular video editing software from Apple.

Unfortunately for Apple, I think the Conan crew are taking the piss.

You can add Conan’s crew to the group of unhappy Final Cut Pro X users that feel the new software is worthy of a single star rating. Ouch.

Cormac Moylan

Based in Cork, Ireland, his first foray into the Apple world was way back in 2006 when he purchased an iMac followed by a Macbook around 4 weeks later. He currently owns a Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, iPhone 4, iPod Touch, and Apple TV. But he prefers to buy watches. Go figure!