Review: Shine – Weather At A Glance

Weather is a fact of life, and every iPhone has at least the standard weather app.  However, referring to the same app every time can become monotonous.  A constant, unchanging icon of sunny and 73 degrees become an eyesore on the homescreen.  Shine – Weather at a Glance from AppThat offers a streamlined way of checking the weather, and looks good while doing so.

Shine isn’t about having all the bells and whistles of some weather apps.  If you are looking for an app that will give you radar, Shine is not for you.  Shine places more of an emphasis on looking pretty while keeping core functionality and definitely excels in this area.

Each weather condition has a specifically designed icon, but they all follow a similar art style.  The icons also change with the time of day, with the sun shifting to a moon at night.  The application allows you to manage and  customize locations that are updated when the app is launched, and can automatically provide weather based upon your current  location.  You can also easily move between the locations by swiping the name at the top of the app or pressing the arrows.

The app also allows you to swipe up to see a more specific forecast broken down.  Shine offers the temperatures, precipitation chance, and wind speed for three hour intervals.  Back on the main screen, swiping left on the bottom half allows you to view an extended forecast for the upcoming week.  Each forecast includes unique weather icons that help make the app a joy to look at.

Shine’s simplicity is also it’s weakness.  While it serves as a quick reference for daily weather, sometime I would like to see what is coming up on the radar or get a more in-depth look at weather conditions.  Of course the problem is easily fixed by another visit to the App Store for a suitable app.


Speed, accuracy, and a gorgeous art style, Shine lives up to expectations.  If you are looking for a straightforward weather app, Shine is an excellent option.  It’s $0.99 price tag is a small price to pay for fast and reliable functionality that looks great.  AppThat also looks to include severe weather warning and complete international support in the future, further improving a stellar app.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5


  • Beautiful art style
  • Fast
  • Accurate
  • Can easily become an app used daily


  • $0.99 price tag
  • Not as many features as other weather apps


Alexis Gonzalez

Alexis is a journalism major at Western Kentucky University with a passion for Apple Products and the Internet. His first Apple product was an iPod he received as a gift in 2004. Next came a Mac Mini in 2006 that is now retired. Alexis now works from his 2008 Black MacBook and has a love affair with his iPhone 4.