Over the years, the Mac has begun to gain significant traction in the business world. Today, according to Forrester analyst Ben Gray, one in ten corporate computers is a Mac, a number which has risen significantly since this time last year, rising from having a 9.1 percent hold all the way up to having an 11 percent hold in business.
A nearly 2 percent gain in just one year should be heralded as a pretty phenomenal success. Gray suggests that much of this success can be attributed to the iPad, which he says acts as a gateway of sorts for bringing more Macs into industry.
Although 89 percent of corporate computers are still trapped firmly under the thumb of Microsoft and the Windows platform, with the majority of those still running Windows XP. The good news is that this is slowly changing. The bad news? It’s not changing nearly fast enough.
What are your thoughts? Do you think Macs are creeping their way into the enterprise? Sound off in the comments!