Today, Apple has updated the iOS App Store to include your purchase history. You can access the full history immediately by opening the App Store on your iOS device, clicking the “updates” tab, and then clicking “Purchased.”

Having a full list of every app you’ve purchased could come in handy in certain situations – and the list is especially well done, especially on the iPad – it separates apps into iPad and iPhone categories, and has a cloud icon that you can click on to re-download the app.
When you tap “Purchased”, you will see tabs for all your purchases and ones that are not on that device. Apps that are not installed on your device have an iCloud icon with an arrow inside that will download the app when tapped. Tapping anywhere else on the app row will take you to that app in the App Store so you can learn more about it. To search for apps in either list, just pull down to reveal a search field.
Personally, I think this is a great move! Your thoughts? Sound off in the comments!