Back To The iFuture: Steve Jobs Unveils The First Mac (1984)

The Macintosh 128k was released in early 1984 and was priced at just under $2,500. It was the original Macintosh computer and featured innovations such as a mouse and separate keyboard, had 128k memory, and a  400kb 3.5 floppy disc for storage.

The launch was accompanied by Apple’s famous “Think Different” commercial– a poetic tribute to creative genius, and the rare few who dared to think they could chance the world.

Steve Jobs himself was just 28 years old when he first demoed the Macintosh in front of an audience of 3000 people. To celebrate the birth of the Macintosh, why not watch Steve Jobs as he unveil the Macintosh to the amazed cheers of all in attendance:

Indeed, the presentation marked one of the very most important moments in the history of Apple, and one of Steve Jobs all-time best public presentations! A lot can happen in 28 years!

Thanks for creating such an incredible legacy, Steve! You will be missed.


J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.