In a response to consumer questions, irritation and demand, Apple has posted an official FAQ answering questions people may have about Final Cut Pro X. This follows yesterday’s rumors that they began refunding some unsatisfied purchasers.

Notably, the FAQ explicitly mentions that Final Cut Pro X will never be able to import projects from Final Cut Pro 7 – a comment I find very interesting, given the code that was discovered yesterday within Final Cut Pro X.
According to Apple, the changes in Final Cut Pro X make it impossible to import older video editing projects without serious problems thanks to a new project architecture, redesigned audio and video effects, and new color grading features. Video, however, can be imported from Final Cut Pro 7.
Also mentioned in the FAQ were the facts that Final Cut Pro X is being worked on to support OS X Lion’s “Versions” functionality, and that all third-party plugins will need to be updated in order for them to support Final Cut Pro X’s 64-bit architecture.
The FAQ is pretty extensive, so I won’t begin to attempt to summarize it here. If you have questions of concerns about Final Cut Pro X, check out the official FAQ over at Apple.