We all know that Macs are quite popular, despite being a bit high in price. We also know that Apple makes a pretty decent profit off of their computers, but just how much might surprise you: as it turns out, Apple makes more from selling 1 Mac than HP makes from selling 7 PCs!

According to a research note from Peter Misek, a Jefferies & Company analyst, Mac’s have a gross profit margin of 28% for Apple, who brought in nearly $5 billion from selling 3.76 million Macs last quarter. Dividing this up gets you an average sale price of $1323.40. When you then multiply that by 0.28 (to figure in Apple’s profit margin), Apple makes $370.55 for every Mac
If we contrast this data with NPD’s data, and figure in HP’s approximately 8% profit margin from sales, we find that HP probably makes around $52 for each PC sold. Simply dividing $370.55 by $52, and you end up with the number 7.13 – meaning that Apple makes more than 7 times as much profit?
Is this a testament to how great the Mac is, or is this a sure sign that Apple is making way too much off of their customers, and needs to lower prices? Personally, as long as I feel they continue to bring a good value for the price, I’m not complaining.
Your thoughts? Sound off in the comments!