Following AT&T, the other US cell phone giant, Verizon has announced that it will be dropping its unlimited data plans, allowing current users to remain grandfathered in, and will be launching a tiered data plan.

All this comes despite that fact that LTE smartphones on Verizon launched with unlimited data options. Reuters reports that the nix of the unlimited data plan will likely come sometime this summer.
No pricing is available on their tiered data pricing scheme, although CEO Fran Shammo has considered the idea that tiered data could open up an avenue for family data plans. This will undoubtedly affect the number of current AT&T unlimited data customers who will choose Verizon for the iPhone 5, unless Verizon makes an exception.
Nobody enjoys counting kilobytes, but this move does not come as any sort of a surprise, as they have been toying with the idea for quite some time. It’s OK, though, because everyone is doing it, and that makes everything alright. Right? Right?
[Reuters via Engadget]