According to a report from 9to5Mac, Phil Schiller has chimed in on the White iPhone 4 thickness issue, claiming that the white iPhone 4 in fact is not thicker than the black version.
The story goes that a 9to5Mac reader tweeted Schiller to see if the news is really true. Schiller responded through a Twitter direct message, which you can find below courtesy of 9to5Mac.

It’s unclear why Schiller chose to send a direct message instead of a public response.. it’s also unclear exactly what Phil means by this – clearly photographed evidence strongly suggests that the white iPhone 4 is indeed thicker, as evidenced by the below picture.

Perhaps Schiller thinks that this may just be a manufacturing anomaly, or a slight difference is just one batch of the white iPhone 4? The folks over at BlogDoiPhone disagree that the white iPhone 4 is thicker, and have provided some evidence of their own, including this image:

Perhaps this lends support to the theory that there may be slight variances between batches? Or perhaps (yes, this is an obvious Antennagate reference) everyone’s just measuring it wrong…
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