Grabbit2 iPad 2 Case Has a Handle on Protection

Grabbit2 iPad caseGrabbit2 iPad case

Designed to work in conjunction with the iPad 2 Smart Cover, Grabbit2 offers protection for the exposed underbelly of your precious tablet while literally giving you a handle on things.

The Dutch-designed iPad 2 case offers:

  • Thermoplastic hardshell case for back side protection
  • Leather handle with three positions with the integrated rotating mechanism
  • Removable hardshell screen cover
  • Moviewall Clip© for use as a landscape stand
  • Compatibility with Apple’s Smart Cover

The catch is, this isn’t a real product… yet. The project is currently on Kickstarter and the designers are offering a great deal if you help make the Grabbit2 a reality. If you pledge $29 or more, you’ll receive one of the first cases in production. The regular retail price will be $65, so this is an excellent way to save while helping a cool project get off the ground. It also seems like the perfect complement to the Maglus magnetic stylus for iPad 2 that is also vying for crowd sourced funding. We like supporting the underdogs so give these guys your support.

via Kickstarter

James Britton

James first bit into Apple when his mom and dad bought an Apple IIe in 1986. He switched to Wintel in the mid 90s when Apple was in a tailspin and back again to an iBook in 2005 when things were looking brighter. Hopefully there is no turning back to the dark side now.