Apple Now Ranked As The #2 Global Smartphone Manufacturer

Apple’s been on quite a roll lately, making all kinds of revenue and marketshare records. The latest news is that they have risen to the #2 slot of global smartphone manufacturers, and have risen from 56th to 35th on the Fortune 500 list in just one year.

Fortune writes:

The company not only continues to expand its reach in existing markets, it also keeps creating new ones. Take the iPad, which showed the world the power of tablet computing when it was introduced last year. iPad 2 followed, and was one of the most highly anticipated electronic products this year.

And according to the latest smartphone survey by IDC, Apple has beaten Research In Motion and became the world’s second-best smartphone maker, right behind Nokia…

Apple, astonishingly, grew 114.4 percent annually versus the industry growth of 79.7 percent. The company took 18.7 percent share of the global smartphone market based on sales of 18.65 million iPhones and is now within six million units of market leader Nokia. RIM, Samsung and HTC round up the list of top 5 smartphone vendors with 13.9 percent, 10.8 percent and 8.9 percent market share. Looking at the entire cellphone market, not just smartphones, Apple is the world’s fourth cellphone maker among all handsets sold.


J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.