RIM and Rovio have recently announced that everyone’s favorite pissed-off Avian entertainment tool – Angry Birds – will be officially available on the BlackBerry PlayBook.

Rim is currently holding its 2011 keynote at the Blackberry World Conference in Orlando, Florida, and this is just one of many announcements (and the only one we will cover for the time being) made about BlackBerry’s answer to the iPad.
Rovio has already torn up the Apple App Store with its iPhone ($0.99, App Store) and iPad ($2.99, App Store) versions, it has risen through the ranks of Android’s app store, and now, it’s poised to do the same for RIM.
As to what PlayBook owners will be getting, we expect a straight port of the original game, but all will become clear once Rovio has the title finished. As for when it will land, all RIM said during the keynote was “soon”.