A recent survey of UK iPad owners throws up some interesting insights into how, why, and where they are using their iPads. The survey was conduced by YouGov on behalf of Seven and in total 1,007 British “Generation i” iPad owners were surveyed.
The uses for the iPad vary greatly. It is many things to many people. More than 75% of iPad owners use the device to access the web while only 13% use their iPad for work purposes.
How Do You Use Your iPad?
- 75% access the web
- 63% email
- 48% for games
- 41% spend their time on social networks
- 29% researching products and services
- 13% on magazines
- 13% for work
- 11% watch TV
The iPad is quickly finding its feet in the homes of its users with the overwhelming majority of those surveyed picking up their iPad every day and nearly one in every 4 using their iPad for 2 hours or more.
How Often Do You Use Your iPad
- 87% of iPad owners use it everyday
- 26% for half an hour to an hour a day
- 32% for 1-2 hours per day
- 24% for more than 2 hours
Not surprising is the fact that 69% of those surveyed use their iPad in the bedroom but what is surprising is that the second most popular area for iPad usage is the kitchen.
Where Do You Use Your iPad
- 69% of those surveyed use their iPad in the bedroom
- 42% in the kitchen
- 20% in the bathroom
It’s of no surprise that browsing the web is the most popular activity but only 13% of those surveyed use their iPad to read magazine apps.
How Do You Use Your iPad
- 75% access the web
- 63% email
- 48% for games
- 41% spend their time on social networks
- 29% researching products and services
- 13% on magazines
- 13% for work
- 11% watch TV
Check out the survey results to find out about some more interesting insights into how the British iPad owners use their iPads.
Other Interesting Findings
- 51% of iPad owners preferred reading magazine content on their iPad rather than traditional magazines
- 84% of iPad owners would be likely to download an app from one of their favorite brands but only if it’s free
- iPad owners reduced their time spent on desktop computers by 35%
- 53% of those surveyed use their iPad mostly for entertainment
- 18% say they use their iPad for functional purposes
Cormac Moylan Based in Cork, Ireland, his first foray into the Apple world was way back in 2006 when he purchased an iMac followed by a Macbook around 4 weeks later. He currently owns a Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, iPhone 4, iPod Touch, and Apple TV. But he prefers to buy watches. Go figure!