If you’ve ever wondered whether or not extra RAM will make a difference for you in your everyday computing, wonder no longer. The answer is probably yes. We look at Crucial’s RAM kits that work with the new 2011 MacBook Pro.
The Need

While some may content that a casual user does not need 8GB of RAM, I beg to differ. Even casual users, in their usage of multiple browser tabs, word processors, and perhaps simple photo editing tools, can reach the limits of their Ram.
Crucial’s RAM is both affordable, and so long as you use their tools to identify your machine, guaranteed to work in your Mac.
The Difference

If GeekBench indications are any indication, I experienced a significant performance gain, rising from a score of 10026 with the stock 4GB or RAM, to an incredible, even stagering 11,856 with the 8GB installed – that’s a pretty significant increase!
More importantly, the machine boots faster, lags much less when multitasking, and in general behaves better and more smoothly with the RAM than without it.
The Conclusion

The Crucial RAM kit that I received was professionally packaged and worked beautifully, and the Mac-specific tools on Crucial’s website make it extremely simple to find the exact model of kit that will be perfect for your machine. For more information, head on over to Crucial.com!
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