Israel’s version of The Onion, Eretz Nehederet, announced the arrival of Apple’s latest innovation, The iBoy, on April 1st.
This technological breakthrough surpasses all that Apple have done in the past and firmly puts Steve Jobs on a par with other higher beings such as God, Allah, Captain Planet, Richard Pryor, The Autobots, and Zeus.
The iBoy comes in a variety of skin tones, cultural backgrounds, and has an in-depth knowledge of anything you can find on the Internet, and he can sing like a pro (providing you have a solid iTunes library).
Shipment of the iBoy takes 9 months but it is not known when this product will be made available outside of Israel.
Based in Cork, Ireland, his first foray into the Apple world was way back in 2006 when he purchased an iMac followed by a Macbook around 4 weeks later. He currently owns a Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, iPhone 4, iPod Touch, and Apple TV. But he prefers to buy watches. Go figure!