Is the Cupertino Giant the “Apple” of your eye? Do you love your iPhone more than you love life? Are you, generally speaking, a raving Apple fanatic? I know I am. And there’s good news – Dimitri Kourtchine wants to interview you for a documentary!

According to Kourtchine, the documentary will be 52 minutes long, and examine the cult of Apple (it’s “brands, it’s fans, the enthusiasm and the criticism that it provokes around the word.”) from the outside in. This may prove to be quite an engaging film!
Dimitry and his crew will be traveling through Europe and America this May and June, looking to interview Apple-lovers – those that propose in Apple stores, create Apple rap on YouTube, have saved the box (or at least specification cutout) from every Apple product they have ever owner, possess more than 100 Apple stickers, etc. I’m guilty of many of these – don’t judge me! They’ll also be interviewing some outspoken haters.
If you meet those criteria, send off an email (appledocfilm at gmail dot com) to the film crew – who knows, you might just get chosen! I, for one, prepare to be entertained endlessly when the film is eventually released later this year.
Via CultofMac