There are already a number of “news magazines” and other visually compelling news apps available for the iPad. Hitpad, however, is different, in that they’ve really re-thought the interface. I find it to be the most compelling of all.
The iPad is swiftly proving itself as an excellent medium for distributing news, with news apps getting more and more unique and interesting. With many news sources going behind paywalls and making iPad content free, there seems to be a growing trend towards free news apps that are both compelling and functional.
Hitpad has an interesting take on getting you the news. Using some proprietary algorithms, it determines what people are interested in on the Web across various media, like Twitter and video. It then displays them according to topic, so if you tap on a listed subject (like Charlie Sheen for example), you get a screen full of headlines about Sheen, videos and tweets. When you click on the headers, you get transported to the source web page in Hitpad’s built-in browser, so publishers should like it as well.

The interface is really quite nice, and the app is easy to use without having to take the time to learn. It integrates with Twitter and Facebook, and you can share stories by email. The content is fed by Google, and when you display a story, it recommends related stories you might find of interest. All in all, it’s a very well-designed app with a desirable interface, and is free and easy to use. Get it here from the App Store.