DropCopy – Awesome Local Network File Sharing

Sometimes I look at my desktop and I might as well be staring into a black hole as I scan for the file I was looking for.

DropCopy won’t help me find the file but it does literally place a black hole on my desktop! But don’t worry, dropping a file into this black hole won’t result in your file being lost forever!

Dropping a file into DropCopy’s black hole will result in the file being transfered from one mac to another mac on your network. The transferred file will automagically appear on the desktop of the destination machine.

How cool is that? And it’s completely free!

DropCopy is designed to function as intuitively as possible: simply launch it on 2 or more computers (or iOS devices) and wait for the dropzone to appear. Then drag a file to the dropzone and drop it on your chosen destination.

You should check out DropCopy if you have more than two Macs on your local network and you want to quickly and effortlessly transfer files. Highly recommend. Watch the below video to see it in action.

Cormac Moylan

Based in Cork, Ireland, his first foray into the Apple world was way back in 2006 when he purchased an iMac followed by a Macbook around 4 weeks later. He currently owns a Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, iPhone 4, iPod Touch, and Apple TV. But he prefers to buy watches. Go figure!