AT&T Confirms iPhone 4 Personal Hotspot Coming On March 11th.

AT&T has recently released that they will be supporting the iPhone 4’s Personal Hotspot feature (introduced in the Verizon iPhone) with the release of iOS 4.3, coming out on March 11th. To enable this feature you will need to subscribe to the DataPro Hotspot/Tethering plan which carries a $45 per month fee. For that you will get 4GB of data to share between your normal data usage, tethering, and the Hotspot feature.

While I personally feel that tethering should not carry an additional charge at all, especially on a capped data plan (if you’re already limiting the amount of data used, what does it matter? 4 gigs is 4 gigs, and it makes no difference to AT&T how it is used.), it wouldn’t be the first time that wireless carriers engaged in inherently anti-consumer practices for the sake of making a few extra bucks with no effort or capital expense.

At least AT&T is somewhat on the ball here, and we’re not having to wait as long as we had to for tethering initially. How many of you will be signing up for this when it is available? Is it worth the cash? Is it worth giving up your unlimited data? Sound off in the comments!

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.