AppleTV fans rejoice! It appears that Apple is preparing to release a third generation of it’s AppleTV hardware. According to reports, the new AppleTV may feature Apple’s new dual-core A5 chip – the same one used in the iPad! If true, this may well mean that the AppleTV will soon support 1080p output to your HDTV! Personally, this is one of the main reasons that I’ve been stopping myself from purchasing an AppleTV – it just won’t look as brilliant as I want it to on my expensive HDTV.
If Apple does make this change in a future revision (and maybe does something awesome like allowing native apps for the AppleTV – Native YouTube, Pandora, Hulu, and Netflix would certainly be a plus!), I’m sure that many people previously on the fence about the matter will be swift to make the leap. It’d essentially make the AppleTV the most functional set top box available on the market!
Currently the AppleTV run’s Apple incredible (though now dated) A4 chip, which can only handle (at best) 720p playback, and as discussed, this has been seen as one it its most significant drawbacks. What remains to be seen is whether or not Apple’s AirPlay functionality, which is an integral part of the AppleTV, is robust enough to handle a 1080p video stream.
I’m excited about this possibility, how about you? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments. Is there anything else you’d like to see on the AppleTV? If you don’t already own one, what would push you over the edge?
Via 9to5Mac