Apple on Wednesday seeded the first bet of macOS Sierra 10.12.1 to developers for testing. The beta release comes one day after the release of macOS Sierra 10.12 to the public.

Developers can download the new beta seed via the Apple Developer Center, and should be available soon via the “Update” tab in the Mac App Store. In addition to the first beta of macOS Sierra 10.12.1, Apple also released the first beta of Xcode 8.1. The new macOS 10.12.1 developer beta is build version 16B2327e, the first Xcode 8.1 beta is build version 8T29o.
At this point in time, we don’t know what changes are in store in the first beta of macOS Sierra 10.12.1, but it likely addresses any bugs found in the new operating system since its release, as well as the usual performance improvements. We’ll report in this space what new features, if any, that are discovered in the new beta seed.