Microsoft Unveils Visual Studio Code For Mac

Microsoft Unveils Visual Studio Code For Mac

Big Apple-related news out of the Microsoft BUILD conference for developers today, as Microsoft has unveiled Visual Studio Code for the Mac, a cross-platform code editor for OS X.

Microsoft Unveils Visual Studio Code For Mac

Visual Studio Code runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Microsoft describes the editor as a “code optimized editor,” supporting Intellisense, debugging, and GIT, along with integration with GitHub. Developers can use the code editor to write apps for each of the three platforms it supports.

Apple continues to move forward with its cloud-based cross-platform initiative, adding support for OS X, iOS, and Android devices to a number of its services and apps. 9to5Mac notes that Microsoft purchased HockeyApp late last year, a competitor to the Apple-owned TestFlight app, which allows developers to distribute application beta builds directly to testers, and easily view analytics information from those testers.

Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code for Mac is now available to download for free. The new editor is available at this link: