Wouldn’t you like to be able to see who is at the front door before answering it? How about being able to talk to who ever is there without stopping what you’re in the middle of? Or wouldn’t it be great to be able to leave delivery instructions for that package you’re waiting for without having to stick a post-it note on the door? Meet smartbell.
From the smartbell Kickstarter site:
smartbell is the first doorbell built for the 21st century, combining modern technology with the demand of home owners to see and hear what happens at the front door, even when nobody is at home. It allows for more comfort and control when visitors come by.
Scrambled Brains Tech, LLC, the maker of smartbell, says you don’t need any technical skills to install the unit, and anyone can do it.
How does it work?
“A visitor rings the bell at your front door. The smartbell connects through your Wi-Fi-router over the internet to your smartphone. You get an instant notification that a visitor is at your home and you can decide whether or not to take the call.”
After you accept the call, a video chat is established between the smartbell device and you smartphone. This allows you to talk to the visitor without he/she knowing where you are. (They’ll think you’re inside your home, but you could be at work in an office building across town.)
The smartbell is compatibile with the following:
- iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5, 5s/c running iOS 5.0 and up or any iPod Touch with iOS 5.0
- Android devices running OS 2.3 and up
- All majority Wi-Fi Router
- Power Supply of your current door bell (DC 5V to 36V)
The display of the smartbell can be customized as you wish. Included are ready-to-use designs. Choose your favorite design or create your own by using smartbell’s iOS or Android app.
Leave custom messages for visitors when you have a party and leave the front door open so they can enter, let visitors know you just ran out for a few quick things at the store, or even leave delivery instructions.

The smartbell works with a free app available for both iOS and Android devices.
smartbell is Z-Wave compatible. Z-Wave is a near field communications standard for home automation. smartbell, will allow you to open a Z-Wave equipped door or garage door automatically.
The smartbell Set includes:
A smartbell, App Download, Instructions, Security-Screwdriver, and Activation-Kit.
Each smartbell has a stainless and weatherproof case and comes with mount holder and theft protection screws.
- $1 – Sponsorship
- $149 – Early Bird: 100 smartbell’s available
- $179 – Limited: 500 smartbell’s available
- $189 – Limited: 2,500 smartbell’s available
- $199 – Retailer Package smartbell
- $500 – Get the no.1 of smartbell production
- $999 – INNOVATOR DEVELOPER: Get a prototype from the pre-production series
- Retail Price will be $279

If the smartbell interests you, be sure to visit the smartbell Kickstarter website and check it out.
Have you seen, or even better yet do you have, a current Kickstarter or Indiegogo project you’d like us to check out? If you do then drop me a line at chris@mactrast.com. Tell me all about the project, and why you think it would make a good subject for a future Kickstarter/Indiegogo Project of the Week. If I agree, I’ll contact you for more information.