Welcome to the first Indiegogo project we’ve featured in our “Of the Week” series of crowd-funded projects. This week we’re featuring the Breathometer.
The Breathometer website describes the device as:
Breathometer™ is The World’s First Smartphone Breathalyzer! While designing Breathometer, we strove to create a sleek product that blends seamlessly into your everyday life. Built with your lifestyle in mind, the device has a compact design that fits into the palm of your hand and easily on a keychain.
In a recent poll on Sodahead.com, 64% of respondents indicated that either they have driven or have been in a car with a driver under the influence. Breathometer is designed to help avoid such occurrences.

How Does It Work?
The Breathometer device connects to your iPhone or Android device via the audio jack. Setting up Breathometer is easy. Download the app, connect the device and blow.
The device is compatible with the iPhone or iPod running iOS 5 or above, and Android devices running OS 2.3 or above.
Breathometer tracks your drinking activity via a breathalyzer to make sure your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is heading in the right direction. It also tracks your past results so you can make informed decisions to allow for the proper amount of time to pass before you think about getting behind the wheel.

This is a great Indiegogo project, one that should definitely get funded. Anything that can help keep drunk drivers off of the road to prevent them from hurting others and even themselves is a project that deserves funding.
Pledge levels run from $1 up to $500, with a pledge as low as $20 reserving you a Breathometer device. I just reserved one, you should too. Visit the Breathometer Indiegogo site today and check it out.
Have you seen, or even better yet do you have, a current Kickstarter or Indiegogo project you’d like us to check out? If you do then drop me a line at chris@www.mactrast.com. Tell me all about the project, and why you think it would make a good subject for a future Kickstarter/Indiegogo Project of the Week. If I agree, I’ll contact you for more information.