Alongside Apple’s many education-related announcements this morning, including iBooks 2, and a new iBook creation app called iBooks Author, Apple also announced the release of new digital textbooks in the iBookstore. Textbooks are already starting to become available on a variety of topics starting at $14.99.

The new textbooks feature videos, interactive elements, and more, all of which can be enjoyed with full multi-touch support and enhanced note taking introduced in iBooks 2.
Currently available titles are from big-name textbook publishers such as McGraw Hill and Pearson covering topics including chemistry, physics, math, and biology. All books feature free sample chapters to get a feel for the book before purchasing. Check out the full list of available titles here.
Users must have iTunes 10.5.3 and iBooks 2 (link) in order to download and view the textbooks on the devices, both of which were announced today and are available now from Apple.
DK publishing will also be introducing several of their reference guides for young readers on the Bookstore, including Dinosaurs and Prehistoric life, Natural History Insects, Natural History Animals, and My First ABC.