Earlier today, Samsung’s website displayed an image showing a (very slightly modified) screenshot of Apple’s maps app pasted over a picture of the Galaxy Player 5.0. John Gruber caught and reported the trickery on Daring Fireball, and the image has since been removed from Samsung’s website.
Gizmodo put together the below image showing the offending image next to the original screenshot.

The iPhone screenshot was plagiarized from Laura Scott’s blog BlogHer, having been posted back in 2008, and Samsung even modified the image, cutting off the iPhone’s menu bar and adding in the menu bar for the version of Android that runs on their Galaxy Player 5.0.
Samsung’s really not helping its “we’re not copying Apple” case here. Someone in Samsung’s marketing department is probably going to get into a lot of trouble over this. A screenshot of the image on the original Samsung product page can be found here.