An eBay auction has revealed that four years ago Apple flirted with the idea of adding 3G support to their Santa Rosa range of Macbook Pros. 3G support would allow you add a SIM card to your Macbook Pro and browse the web without the need for a local WiFi network.

The auction listing, placed by eBay user abhw752579 who purchased the prototype unit from an Apple employee, has received 73 bids totally $11,211.11 at the time of writing for the 3G Macbook Pro.
This auction is for a particularly unique and interesting piece of Apple hardware: an unreleased pre-production prototype of the 2007 15″ Macbook Pro Santa Rosa laptop with red circuit boards and integrated cellular data functionality. It is to my knowledge one of a kind, I have been unable to find information about any other similar machines in existence. It is in very good physical condition and fully functional, currently running Snow Leopard. If you want to own a truly rare piece of Apple hardware and history this is the chance! Please read on for a full description of the machine and its differences from a normal Macbook Pro.
If Apple introduced a prototype four years ago, why have they yet to release a 3G Macbook? Hopefully we will see 3G support in the next couple of years.