The Korea Times is reporting that Apple has been working alongside both Samsung and LG to create a new LCD technology that is capable of producing displays that can output a resolution of 2048*1536 – double the resolution of the iPad 2.

Such a jump in resolution would see future iPads rocking a 260 pixels per inch display. The iPhone 4 has a 326ppi display and while the proposed improvement in the iPad display isn’t of “retina” quality it will still generate a display that is as crisp as the one used on the iPhone 4.
Apple has started quality testing Samsung and LG’s LCDs at one of its laboratories in China. Samsung and LG were required to produce screens with better picture quality and density, according to sources, who anticipate the testing process will be completed during the third quarter.
Apple’s upcoming iPad 3 will feature an improved display to support quad extended graphics (QXGA), a display resolution of 2048×1536 pixels with a 4:3 aspect ratio to provide full high definition (HD) viewing experience,’’ said a source close to the talks.
If Apple were to double the resolution capabilities of future iPads it would make it a simple transition for app developers to push their designed-for iPhone apps to the iPad since both displays would render the apps’ pixels in pretty much the same manner.
It is said that Apple is working with LG in order to be less reliant on Samsung, with whom they have a rocky relationship, for parts to be used in their future iPhone and iPad releases.