Earlier today it was revealed that Facebook’s iPad app is secretly hidden within their iPhone app.
The Facebook iPad app is a complete overhaul of their current iOS app for the iPhone and brings with much improved functionality and a sweet user interface.

Below you will find some simple instructions on how to install the leaked Facebook iPad app. You will need to be running a Jailbroken iPad to order to install Facebook for iPad but once you have a JB’d iPad, it’s a really simple process to reveal it.
How to install the Facebook iPad App
1. First you must Jailbreak your iPad. Instructions on how to Jailbreak iOS 4.3.3 can be found here while 4.3.4 can be found here.
2. After you have Jailbreaked your iPad, you must make sure that the Facebook iPhone app (version 3.4.4) is on your iPad. You can do this by syncing your apps with iTunes or by installing the iPhone app directly from the App Store on your iPad.
3. Enter Cydia and search for the app iFile. After you have installed iFile, go to preferences, turn on application names, then go to Applications > Facebook > Facebook.app > info.plist > and finally select UIDeviceFamily.
4. Change the value from 1 to 2 and hit done.
5. Restart your iPad and now when you access the Facebook app it will load up the iPad Facebook app.
6. Enjoy!
A video that guides you through settings 3 and 4 was posted by Adrian Duros to Youtube and is embed below.
It’s not yet known when Facebook will officially release their iPad app but fingers crossed this leak will speed up their release plans. If you don’t want to go to the bother of Jailbreaking your iPad, it might be mere weeks before an official release is announced.
Worth the wait, or are you already at step 4?