There are a lot of people that would do something crazy to get their hands on an iPad 2, but selling your kidney to a shady broker has to top the list. Nevertheless, that’s apparently just what a young Chinese man did. Read on.

A 17-year-old kid known as “Zheng” contacted an underground organ trafficking outfit online to sell his right kidney for about 20,000 RMB (about $3,200 US). He used the cash to buy an iPad, a iPhone, and a laptop, but was unable to conceal the surgery from his mother.
Zhang was quoted by The Telegraph as saying:
At the time, I wanted to buy an iPad 2, but I didn’t have any money at the time. Then an organ buyer organization sent me a message telling me that if I were to sell my kidney, I could get about 20,000 RMB.
His mother called the police, who as of yet have been unable to catch the perpetrators of the crime.
What’s concerning is that trading organs online is apparently common in China, despite repeated attempts by China’s government to curb the practice.